

What makes the difference of peking duck in C.Tao?

To be able to create a delicious and standard Peking Duck dish, but still safe for the health of diners, the chefs of C.Tao used the freshest ingredients, along with reducing the quantity oils and spices in cooking.

With the famous whole Peking Duck (made with 3 dishes) at C.Tao, such as Crispy Duck Skin with Cucumber and Rice Paper, Fried Duck with Golden Rice or Hokkien Noodles with Roasted Duck, Duck bones can be roasted with Hong Kong salt or cooked with cabbage soup. Duck skin is delicately cut into thin layers, dark yellow, crispy, served with cold rice paper, when eating you can feel the characteristic fatty taste of duck meat mixed with its own unique seafood dipping sauce by C.Tao, delicious and hard to resist.